Written by Aulia Haqq and Firzana Fitri from Empowerment’s Division

Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, has become familiar to us, especially with recent videos circulating on various platforms showing Indonesia’s 7th President, Joko Widodo, delivering a fluent Mandarin speech, sparking widespread media attention in the end of 2023. However, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology clarified that the video was edited and likely utilized “deepfake” AI technology, as President Jokowi did not actually deliver the speech in Mandarin. This underscores the prevalence of misinformation and the need for public caution in consuming potentially manipulated information in today’s technologically advanced era.

Another case happened in 2018 to the former US President Barack Obama who has also been targeted by deepfake technology. Videos circulated on adult websites, such as the ObamaPeele video, were created using advanced tools like FakeApp, which can superimpose celebrity faces onto explicit content. Similarly, manipulated images of Donald Trump, appearing to depict him in compromising situations, highlight the urgent need for government intervention to prevent further exploitation.

Deepfake represents a significant challenge in combating misinformation, primarily due to its ability to create convincing fake content that blurs the line between reality and fiction. This technology enables the spread of false narratives, particularly through social media platforms, where detection mechanisms are often insufficient to curb its viral dissemination. Moreover, deepfake content can damage individuals’ reputations, sow confusion among the public, and erode trust in digital media (Khazraji et al., 2023). The proliferation of deepfake technology underscores the importance of raising public awareness and implementing robust regulatory measures to mitigate its harmful effects. Without proactive measures, the spread of misinformation facilitated by deepfake technology will continue to undermine public discourse and trust in merdigital media platforms.

The potential misuse of deepfake technology for political or economic motives underscores the necessity for robust detection systems, improved media literacy campaigns, and the enforcement of policies and regulations to counteract the dissemination of misinformation through deepfake technology. Addressing these challenges necessitates a comprehensive approach involving collaboration between governments, technology firms, and civil society groups to uphold the integrity of information in an increasingly digital landscape. And here are a few examples of comprehensive measures that can be taken, such as government that can take a regulation and policy to implement strict regulations regarding the creation and distribution of deepfake, and technology companies/firms are role detection and marking in develop advanced deepfake detection technology and include automatic tagging features for content identified as deepfakes, lastly civil society groups are organize trainings and workshops for the public on digital literacy and the ability to recognize false.

The presence of AI, particularly in the form of deepfake technology, also poses serious threats to individual security and privacy. Its ability to create highly authentic videos and images can be exploited for extortion, fraud, or even falsifying evidence in legal cases. This triggers distrust in the legal system and undermines institutional integrity. Furthermore, AI can be used to disseminate political propaganda or extremist ideologies, exacerbating political tensions and societal divisions. For instance, AI-generated videos of political leaders can be manipulated to spread false information, which can be particularly damaging in political campaigns. For example, AI-manipulated videos of political leaders making controversial statements or engaging in unacceptable behavior can be used to sway public opinion and undermine the credibility of those leaders.

Despite the substantial risks associated with AI, particularly in the realm of deepfake technology, its relevance in contemporary times remains unquestionable. AI has become the cornerstone of the ongoing digital transformation, expediting technological progress and making notable contributions across various facets of human existence. For instance, in the healthcare sector, AI has spearheaded groundbreaking innovations that have transformed diagnostic and treatment methodologies. By swiftly and accurately analysing medical data, AI aids healthcare professionals in disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and even forecasting disease progression. This facilitates more tailored and effective healthcare, ultimately enhancing patients’ life expectancy and overall well-being.

AI serves as the foundation of emerging technological advancements such as self-driving vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics. Progress in these areas holds the promise of revolutionizing our work methods, social interactions, and daily routines. For instance, self-driving cars have the potential to reduce traffic accidents, ease congestion, and improve accessibility for individuals unable to operate vehicles. To fully harness the benefits of AI’s positive potential, it is essential to address the associated risks and obstacles. This involves developing more advanced methods for detecting deepfake, implementing stringent regulations regarding AI’s negative applications, and enhancing public awareness of digital literacy. By adopting a balanced approach, such as implementing stringent regulations, developing advanced methods for detecting deepfake, and enhancing public awareness of digital literacy,  we can move closer towards a more promising and interconnected future.


Al-Khazraji, S. H., Saleh, H. H., KHALID, A. I., & MISHKHAL, I. A. (2023). Impact of Deepfake Technology on Social Media: Detection, Misinformation and Societal Implications. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 23, 429-441.

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Scott, M. (2024, April 18). Spot the Deepfake: The AI tools undermining our own eyes and ears. POLITICO. https://www.politico.eu/article/spot-deepfake-artificial-intelligence-tools-undermine-eyes-ears/

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